The polls have closed, and we have the results coming in. Here’s the official tally: The Littlest Shoggoth Kickstarter final pledge total = $11,782! So the book will be printed 9″x6″ in full color with a hardcover!
We had a total of 360 backers, so I’ll be doing two new pieces of wallpaper art.
Thank you to each and every person who backed, blogged about, retweeted, handed out fliers, or just told friends about the project. Without you, this would have gone nowhere. Truly, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.
The marketing phase is over, but there’s still plenty of work for me to do. I’ve got to go over the post-campaign info from Kickstarter and figure out all the steps I need to take.
I’ll post updates here … and on the Littlest Shoggoth Facebook page.
Thank you all again! I can’t wait to get the books, lapel pins, t-shirts, e-books, post cards, and wallpaper out to you. This remains a labor of love … and like other forms of love, it’s best when shared!