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Monthly Archives: February 2013

After a few unexpected delays, and one fully expected one (the Lunar New Year celebrations in China), things are really rolling with The Littlest Shoggoth.

Over the past weekend, the galley proofs arrived for the book. For those of you who have never been involved with a publishing project before, galley proofs are a single printout of each page done on the actual printing press, so that the publisher can check that everything in the physical product meets expectations. In this case, the galleys consisted of a single sheet with the cover, two other sheets with the front and rear endpapers, and four hand-collated booklets containing the spreads as they will be seen in the book.

I’m absolutely thrilled with the way things are looking. The colors are vivid and true to what I’d seen on the computer screen. The paper quality is top notch. And the whole thing looks even better than I’d dared hope. Here . . . have a look at a few of the page spreads.

They also sent me a mock-up of the physical book—a book filled with blank pages that has a paper printout of the cover wrapped over it. As you can see, the colors are more faded than in the actual cover galley, but you can still get a pretty good idea of what it will be like to hold the final book.

So, you can see that things are actually rolling along pretty smoothly. We only had two minor corrections to request based on the galley proofs, and those are already taken care of. Next, production on the book begins in earnest.

Hope you’re all as excited about this as I am!


Happy Valentine’s Day, all!

It’s been nearly a month since my last update, so this seemed like a good time to let you know what’s going on.

PRINTING: Printing of the book is proceeding … well … it will be, once the Lunar New Year holiday is over. I was hoping to have gotten the galley proofs BEFORE the factory shut down for the holiday but, alas, that did not happen. Now it seems like they will arrive here sometime in the next 10–14 days. I’m sure I’ll post pictures when they do. In the meanwhile, this is NOT supposed to impact the final delivery date (since they were planning for the 2-week break SOMEWHERE in the process).

PDFs: I must apologize. Backers whose level entitles you to this reward (which is most of you) SHOULD have already had them by now. The files are ready (and have been for weeks), I’m just having a little difficulty figuring out the best way to get them into your hands (or onto your computers, as the case may be). I think the file is too big to just send via email without causing some of you difficulty, and I don’t have an easily available download option. At this point, I’m thinking about simply using (or a similar site) … but this is your chance to weigh in on the matter. If you have a better idea, let me know.

WALLPAPERS: I haven’t started work on those yet, but should during the next couple of weeks. I’ll try to post images of the works in progress.

CONVENTIONS: Once the book is out, I’m going to start spending more time out and about on the gaming, comic, and anime convention circuit. I’ll definitely be at Paizo Con, Gen Con, Jet City Comic Con, and Rose City Comic Con. I’m currently looking into the possibility of getting an Artists Alley table at OryCon, SPX, Baltimore Comic Con, Girl Geek Con, Long Beach Comic & Horror Show, APE, and Aki Con. Most of these shows are in either the Pacific Northwest or the general DC Metro/Baltimore areas. I’m willing to travel to other places, but my budget is limited. However, I’m happy to serve as a Special Guest and participate in seminars, signings, readings, and other special events at conventions that want to underwrite my appearance (that is, help out with travel expenses and/or waive exhibitor fees). So if you have a local or regional show you think would be improved by my (and Squammy’s) attendance, let me know … or let them know how to contact me here or at

That about wraps it up for now. I’ll probably post next when the galleys arrive … so look for that in about a fortnight.

Thank you ALL again for your support (both material and moral). It means more to me than I’ll ever be able to adequately express.