It’s been an interesting couple of days, with backers adjusting their pledges both up and down. I haven’t really felt sure that any particular pledge total was necessarily solid . . . but now I’m ready to say that we have pretty firmly established our foothold above $10,000. Which means that we made it! The Littlest Shoggoth will now be printed in color!
Give yourselves a big ol’ pat on the back and a hearty “Well done, lads & lasses!” I still fully maintain that it’s thanks to YOU spreading the word and letting more and more folks know about this project that we’ve been able to reach this level. So from me to all of you — THANK YOU!
Of course, that’s not all we’ve done. We’ve also passed the 300 backer threshold. So after the new year, I’m going to be sitting down and doing an all-new piece of Littlest Shoggoth art, featuring Squammy devouring New York City! And when that’s done, I’ll prepare it in a format suitable for use as a desktop wallpaper and send it around to ALL the backers of every level.
Two Days Left
But let’s not rest on our laurels. There are still two full days remaining in this Kickstarter, and we’ve still more to achieve! In fact, to whet your appetites, I’m going to make those achievements a little easier to reach!
HARDCOVER SOONER — We’ve had a hardcover version of the book as a stretch goal for a while. And now that we’ve nailed down color printing, I REALLY want to reach that one, too . . . so I’m lowering the target pledge level! Instead of the additional $3k to get there, I’ve lowered the threshold to just $11,500. That means we’re already 10% of the way there!
MORE WALLPAPER — I’m also lowering the threshold for additional wallpaper art. Instead of new art every 100 backers, I’ve dropped it to every 50 backers. So if we can hit 350 total backers, I’ll be drawing Squammy devouring Washington D.C. (as promised in a thread on the Littlest Shoggoth Facebook page). At 400 backers, it will be London. At 450 . . . who knows? I’m already thinking that if I get enough of these done, they might be worth collecting in a Littlest Shoggoth Calendar of Devastation for 2014—but that’s a consideration for another month.
47 Hours Until THE END
In the time I’ve been typing this, the countdown clock on Kickstarter has gone from 48 hours to 47 . . . so we’ve even less time than I thought!
Thank you again for your support thus far. With one more good weekend of pitching in, we can bring The Littlest Shoggoth in with a resounding, apocalyptic crash . . . and isn’t that what dear old H.P.L. would have wanted?