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Okay. The Littlest Shoggoth Kickstarter Campaign is now officially under way, and Day 1 was, to put it mildly, a resounding success. In the first 24 hours, we got pledges to cover a little more than half of the target funding level. But, as they say, that’s just the beginning!

There’s still more than a month to go in the fund drive, and we’re looking at some very interesting stretch goals. I should be able to give details on those later this week, but for now the plan has to be to keep pushing and (hopefully) reach that initial $5,000 goal in next couple of days.

I’m going to be doing more promotion for the campaign, and anything you can do to help spread the word will be much appreciated.

Thanks for your support so far. Let’s kick(start) this baby into full gear!

With so much going on, I thought it would be a good idea to have a website dedicated to The Littlest Shoggoth. However, with so much going on, I haven’t been able to get it all spruced up yet.

Once the Kickstarter campaign is launched, getting this site functional and ready for visitors will be just about the top of my priority list.

— Stan!